Tastes Like Love — Anything Edible — tracy tsui

Anything Edible

A food blog focused on food photography, recipe creation and connecting with people through anything edible. Written and created by Vancouver (Canada) based photographer and designer, Tracy Tsui 

Posts in Tastes Like Love
Tastes Like Love: Roasted Pork and the Cracklin'

The love of crackling is serious. The combinations of: pork + applesauce, beef + horseradish, and chicken + cranberry would always remind James of the lazy Sunday. He would occasionally help his mum but to be fair, he would usually run in and excitedly ask if they were having a roast. The smells were one of his favourite things as it wafted through the house while watching TV.

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Tastes Like Love: Mom's Dumplings

As long as I can remember I always had homemade dumplings instead of store bought ones. As my mom always says, “why would I buy it when I can make it better?”. Dumplings symbolizes hard work and the learning experiences that my mom has gone through over the years of perfecting her technique. Watching her experiment and improve was always very motivational. Dumplings bring warmth but also the sadness that one day my mom won’t be around but I strive to be half as skilled in cooking and as strong as she.

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